Making your family session fun for perfectly sweet and tender photos

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Your family photography session doesn’t have to be a sweaty battle to get the kids sitting and stiffly smiling at the camera. In fact, the more fun you have, the better your photos will be!

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Engage in a family favorite activity

You make your family photography session unique and fun by incorporating a favorite activity. It is an awesome idea to bring some props to add interest to your family pictures and help tell a bit more about your connection. This can lead to really creative photos that help illustrate the connections between all of you. For playful shots, bring bubbles or a ball to play with. Picnics on a blanket always make sweet photos and can combat the kids (and husband) getting hangry. You can also bring a blanket and a few books to read together, music to dance to, or a basket to gather some flowers or foliage together during your shoot. Other ideas: fishing poles, bikes, a wagon, a Blanket to play parachute, the family pet, flowers, or simply your child’s favorite stuffed animal. For fun photo sessions at your home, maybe bring out the sprinkler at the end of your session and let everyone have some water play to celebrate. Just remember to try to keep your props in the same relative aesthetic (neutral or natural) as your family’s style. (ie: stay away from the neon colored toys!) 

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Family games create picture perfect moments

Aside from styling your family shoot, fun activities can keep you all relaxed and having fun which will make your photos even more adorable. You will definitely get plenty of smiling-at-the-camera family portraits but candid shots are always the favorites! So here are some simple games and activities to have in your back pocket to keep things light and make for great photos: 

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1. ring around the rosies

Everyone form a circle and hold hands to play this game. This is simple and produces sweet images.

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2. Family Hug

group hug several times during the session. Every time your photographer yells out, “Family hug!” everyone has to stop what they’re doing and embrace one another. This is connection-driven and makes for awesome “in-between” moments. 

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3. red-light, green-light

Just like the old version but play it with the whole family holding hands. 

4. Tag

everyone can play this together and it always brings laughter and fun to the session. 

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5. tickle fights

these are sweet and filled with laughter and often end in snuggles. 

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6. freeze dance

bring along some music (or play it on the phone) and let everyone dance. When the music is paused, everyone has to freeze. This makes for fun shots with lots of movement. 

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7. Telephone

this makes for sweet calm moments and can trigger laughter if the message is a silly one.

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8 peek-a-boo

A perfect alternative for babies and toddlers

9. Simon Says

this can help kids to get into a perfect position for shots as well as get them to laugh. 

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10. 10 seconds

This is a connection-driven game that draws out beautifully tender moments. It can be played with adults and kids of all ages. With two family members facing one another, ask them to stare at each other while counting to 10. As they count, they should move their faces closer together and try to end up with their noses touching. This quickly can bring out both sweet and silly moments.

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Hands-on interaction is Key

in our experience, The sweetest, funniest, and most authentic photos are captured when families are playing with hands-on interaction. Whether it’s playing airplane, rough-housing, or shoulder carries. Don’t be afraid to open up. and get silly! Whatever you all do to play with one another should be incorporated in your session as that will make for the most genuinely tender moments.

For more inspiration, read our Blog Guide to styling your family session on check out our Pinterest!


Dubois Park Engagement Session


Guide to styling your family session